Categories of personal data
Legal bases
To managing your flight details and operate your journey.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact information (such as phone number and e-mail address) for the lead passenger, Next of kin details, Passenger Name Record number (PNR number), Flight ticket number, Gender, Passport details, Any meal preferences, Frequent flyer programme membership information such as your username and password (if applicable), Payment details (such as credit card information)
Special category data: health data (such as whether you use a wheelchair or require an oxygen tank, or certain health behaviours such as whether you are a smoker), nationality, race, ethnic origin and religion data.
To perform our contract with you.
To provide you with customer support.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact information (such as phone number and e-mail address), Next of kin, Your photograph, Passport details, Payment details (such as credit card information), Bank account details, Frequent flyer programme membership information, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Identifiers related to your profession
Special category data: health data (such as whether you use a wheelchair or require an oxygen tank, or certain health behaviours such as whether you are a smoker), nationality, race, ethnicity and religion data.
Legitimate interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to ensure that our business runs smoothly and that we provide you with timely customer support, without undue delay and complication.
To manage additional services we may provide to you.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact information (such as phone number and e-mail address), Next of kin, Your photograph, Passport details, Payment details (such as credit card information), Bank account details, Frequent flyer programme membership information, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Identifiers related to your profession
Special category data: health data (such as whether you use a wheelchair or require an oxygen tank, or certain health behaviours such as whether you are a smoker), nationality, race, ethnicity and religion data.
To perform our contract with you.
To communicate with you in relation to your account.
We will send you operational communication in order to update you with key changes and updates to your account. The correspondence may include changes such as: Password change; Email change; Postal address change; Claim submission; Claim acceptance; Family membership; Redemption and Tier upgrade.
Name, Date of birth, Contact details (such as your postal address, email address and phone number), Passport details, Etihad Guest number (if you already have one), PNR reference (if relevant at the time of application), Flight ticket number (if relevant at the time of application), Identifiers related to your profession, Relevant details of any linked family accounts.
To perform our contract with you.
Legitimate interest.
It is in our legitimate interest to ensure that our business runs smoothly and that we provide customers with important functionality and timely updates in relation to their account.
To manage flight disruptions.
In order to ensure that we book you into suitable hotel accommodation and transport you there where there is a flight disruption, we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Contact details, Next of kin, Passport details, Credit card details, Frequent flyer number, PNR number, flight ticket number, Identifiers for professionals.
To perform our contract with you.
To comply with a legal obligation.
Guest transport.
Where you utilize our chauffeur service, we will need to process personal information about you in order to ensure that your guest transport is booked properly.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Contact details, Next of kin, Passport details, Credit card details, Frequent flyer number, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Identifiers for professionals, GPS tracking information.
Special category data: health care information.
To perform our contract with you.
To communicate with you in relation to your flight.
In order to communicate with you to provide updates regarding your flight, for example, if there are likely to be delays to your flight we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Credit card number, Frequent flyer number, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Passport details and Contact details.
To perform our contract with you.
To provide medical services to you in cases of emergency.
In the event that you require emergency medical attention and services we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact details, Next of kin, Passport details, PNR number, Flight Ticket number, Identifiers for professionals.
Special category data: religion, race, ethnicity and health data.
To protect your vital interests.
To provide responsive services to you in cases of emergency
In the event that there is an emergency and we need to locate family members and next of kin, we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact details, Next of kin, Passport details, Social security number, Credit card details, Frequent flyer details, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Identifiers for professionals
Special category data: religion, race or ethnicity and health data, biometric information, medical identifiers, sensitive information about family members, criminal convictions.
To protect your vital interests.
To communicate with your next of kin in cases of emergency.
In order to communicate with your next of kin in cases of emergency we will need to process personal information about you and your next of kin.
Next of kin including names, addresses and contact details.
To protect your vital interests.
To communicate with you on new offers and services from Etihad or other affiliates.
In order to communicate with you regarding new offers and services from either us or our affiliates, such as new routes we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Address, Contact details, Date of birth, Frequent flyer details, PNR number, Flight ticket number, Identifiers for professionals and Passport details.
Legitimate interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to develop our relationship with you by promoting offers and services from third parties in certain circumstances, based upon our understanding of your preferences.
To communicate with you on new offers and services from third parties.
In order to communicate with you regarding new offers and services from third parties we will need to process personal information about you.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact details, Frequent flyer details, Identifiers for professionals, and Passport details.
Legitimate interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to promote offers and services from third parties in certain circumstances, based upon our understanding of your preferences.
To engage in surveys with you.
In order to obtain feedback from you via surveys in relation to our services and other matters related to our business we will need to process personal information.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Contact details, Next of kin, Bank account details, Frequent flyer details, Flight ticket number, Identifiers for professionals, Passport details, and PNR number.
Legitimate Interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to engage in surveys with you in order to ascertain certain information for the purposes of how we conduct our business.
To offer opportunities to you to enter into competitions or prize draws.
In order to enter you into the competitions or prize draws and award the prizes we will need to process personal information.
Name, Address, Contact details, Frequent flyer details, Passport details and PNR number.
Legitimate Interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to promote our business by engaging with consumers through competitions or prize draws.
To manage our frequent flyer program.
In order to enter you in to the frequent flyer program we will need to process personal information.
Name, Address, Contact details, Employee ID (if relevant), Passport details, Credit card number, Frequent flyer details (Etihad Guest number), PNR number, Flight ticket number, any identifiers relating to your profession (if relevant).
To enter into a contract with you for the frequent flyer program.
To handle complaints made by you.
In order to handle complaints made by you, we will need to process your personal information.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Contact details, Bank account details, Passport details, Frequent flyer details, PNR number and Flight ticket number.
Special categories of data: data concerning health where relevant to your complaint.
To perform our contract with you.
Legitimate Interests.
It is in our legitimate interests to ensure that we handle your complaints in an efficient manner, without undue delay and complication.
To comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, including providing specific information to law enforcement or similar bodies upon legitimate requests.
In order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, including providing specific information to law enforcement or similar bodies upon request we will need to process your personal information.
Advance Passenger Information including: Name, Date of birth, Address, Passport details, Frequent flyer details.
To comply with a legal obligation.
To comply with a legitimate request by a law enforcement or similar bodies to share information with them.
In order for us to comply with a request by law enforcement or similar bodies to share information with them we may need to process your personal information.
Name, Date of birth, Address, Passport details, Frequent flyer details.
To comply with a legal obligation.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interests to be able to share information with law enforcement or similar bodies from time to time, subject to their legitimate requests. We will need to be able to process this information in order for us to comply with legitimate requests, including in cases where we determine that we are not compelled to by applicable laws.
In the case that you start a legal claim against us and we need to defend that legal claim.
In order for us to defend the claim brought by you or a third party, we may need to process your personal information.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Passport details and frequent flyer details.
Special categories of data: racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interests to be able to commence or defend legal claims as and when we consider it necessary for the protection of our business. We will need to be able to process this information in order for us to instruct our legal counsel and fully defend ourselves against the claim you may bring.
In the case that we start a legal claim against you.
In the event that Etihad wishes to commence a claim against you we may need to process your personal information.
Name, Address, Date of birth, Passport details and Frequent flyer details.
Special categories of data: racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interests to be able to commence or defend legal claims as and when we consider it necessary for the protection of our business. We will need to be able to process this information in order for us to instruct our legal counsel and fully defend ourselves against the claim you may bring.
To allow our partners to access and use Etihad Hub.
For our partners to access and use Etihad Hub, we collect and process personal information.
Name and email address.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interest to provide you with access to Etihad Hub which may be necessary for contractual obligations for Travel Agencies.
To ensure the protection of public health and safety.
In order to safeguard the health and wellbeing of passengers and staff, we may process special categories of data to ensure your fitness to fly. Information which reveals health may be gathered from declarations, assessments and/or temperature screening activities at the airport.
Name, Date of birth and Passport details.
To perform our contract with you. We process your personal data in accordance with our Conditions of Carriage.
To comply with a legal obligation.
We may process your personal data to meet border control requirements set by your destination country.
Passport and visa information, and health data.
To perform our contract with you.
To comply with a legal obligation.
To enable Etihad staff and the staff of authorised partner companies to access concessionary travel benefits.
We may process your personal data to enable us to book you, family and friends, on Etihad and/or partner airline services using exclusive concessionary offers.
Name, Date of birth, Passport number, Nationality, Contact details, and Credit card number.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interest to provide you with access to the staff travel portal to book approved concessionary tickets.
To enable Etihad to conduct background checks on suppliers and business partners.
If you are a vendor or business partner of ours, we may process your personal data to complete background checks on you and your company to meet our obligations to comply with relevant UAE and international sanctions requirements.
Name, Work email address, and Passport information.
Legitimate Interests
It is in our legitimate interests to carry out background checks on all suppliers and business partners to ensure compliance with relevant laws when dealing with them.
To use our optional service to automatically enter data during check in process.
We need to collect your documents in order to provide you with the service that will allow us to automatically collect data from your documents necessary for your travel.
Name, Nationality, Passport number and Place of birth