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Important information related to consumer safety

We hereby notify the aircraft registration information and safety accident compensation standards as follows pursuant to the “Important Display Advertising Information” of the Fair Trade Commission.

Etihad Airways Airplane Registration Information (as of June 1, 2017)

Reg. no Model Date of manufacture
A6-EYD A330-200 Apr. 2005
A6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006
A6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006
JA6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006
A6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006
A6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006
A6-EYE A330-200 Jul. 2005
A6-EYD A330-200 Jan. 2006

To read our safety accident compensation standards, refer to the Etihad Airways Conditions of Carriage.