Our commitment to a sustainable future

For the world, for everyone

We’re committed to setting the highest standards in sustainable aviation. Combining innovation and partnership, our comprehensive sustainability strategy is designed to achieve incremental, impactful improvements.

Our approach to sustainability

We take a holistic approach to sustainability, ensuring social, environmental and financial sustainability across our business. That means making better use of the planet’s resources, having a better impact on our communities and better economic growth.

Our approach to sustainability

“On land and in the sea, our forefathers lived and survived in this environment. They were able to do so because they recognised the need to conserve it, to take from it only what they needed to live, and to preserve it for succeeding generations.”  – Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

Four pillars of environmental sustainability

Etihad’s sustainability initiatives are structured around four pillars designed to target specific areas of environmental impact: Decarbonisation, waste management, biodiversity and wildlife, and advocacy and innovation.


In line with the commitments from the UAE government and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Authority), we strive to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. From advanced flight planning systems to the use of sustainable fuels, we’re working with industry leaders to guarantee we keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.


Alignment with global sustainability goals

Our sustainability journey is part of a larger commitment to international goals and frameworks, including the Paris Agreement and ICAO’s CORSIA programme. These frameworks provide a pathway to achieving sustainable growth while minimising our impact on the planet. 

Alignment with global sustainability goals
Alignment with global sustainability goals

Sustainability reports

Read our latest sustainability report.